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Dotwell for a Healthy Neighborhood

A Good Idea


DotWell defines health as community wellness--strong families, clean air, good schools, safe neighborhoods, and a vibrant economy. DotWell is a collaborative effort between the Codman Square Health Center (CSHC) and the Dorchester House Multi-Service Center (DHMSC) to guarantee high-quality clinical and community services across sites. The two health centers founded DotWell to provide them with infrastructure and support to reduce operating costs so that they could afford to offer innovative programs and initiatives beyond the exam room, address the needs of the whole person, family, and community. In addition to providing administrative services to CSHC and DHMSC, DotWell supports cross-site public health programs that link clinicians with community organizers and educators. It also provides leadership and management to community service programs that operate out of the health centers, ranging from technology training and access, civic engagement, environmental health, HIV/AIDS outreach and care-management, parenting programs and after-school programs.

Goal / Mission

The mission of DotWell is to guarantee high-quality clinical and community services across both sites—addressing health disparities, meeting the complex needs of a changing Dorchester community, and building social capital in and across neighborhoods.

Results / Accomplishments

DotWell is lauded as a model in the not-for-profit community for its ability to meet the complex needs of at-risk populations while realizing significant cost-savings.

* Offers services to over 41,000 Dorchester residents per year
* Public health programs include Asthma and Diabetes Case Management and the Breast Health Initiative
* Civic health programs include The First Generation College Bound Program, home-buying classes, and community walking groups

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
1452 Dorchester Avenue Dorchester, Massachusetts, 02122
(617) 474-1494
Community / Social Environment
Community / Civic Engagement
Health / Health Care Access & Quality
The Boston Indicators
Date of implementation
Geographic Type
Dorchester, MA
For more details

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