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Tobacco Use: Reducing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Evidence-Based Cessation Treatments


An Evidence-Based Practice


Reducing tobacco users' out-of-pocket costs involves policy or program changes that make evidence-based treatments, including medication, counseling or both, more affordable. To achieve this, new benefits may be provided, or changes may be made to the level of benefits offered that reduce costs or co-payments.

Policy and program changes may be communicated to tobacco users and health care providers to increase awareness, interest in quitting, and use of evidence-based treatments.

Results / Accomplishments

The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends policies and programs to reduce tobacco users' out-of-pocket costs for evidence-based cessation treatments based on strong evidence of effectiveness in increasing the number of tobacco users who quit.

Evidence is considered strong based on findings from clinic-based trials and population-based policy evaluations of reduced out-of-pocket costs for both cessation counseling and medications. Clear communication of benefit changes to both tobacco users and healthcare providers increases use and impact of these interventions.

About this Promising Practice

Primary Contact
The Community Guide
1600 Clifton Rd, NE
MS E69
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 498-1827
Health / Tobacco Use
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