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Treatment Foster Care Oregon

An Evidence-Based Practice


Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO), formerly known as Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care, is a behavioral treatment alternative to residential placement for adolescents who have problems with chronic antisocial behavior, emotional disturbance, and delinquency. It is based on the Social Learning Theory model that describes the mechanisms by which individuals learn to behave in social contexts and the daily interactions that influence both prosocial and antisocial patterns of behavior. The intervention is multifaceted and occurs in multiple settings. The intervention activities include (1) Behavioral parent training and support for TFCO foster parents; (2) Family therapy for biological parents (or other aftercare resources); (3) Skills training for youth; (4) Supportive therapy for youth; (5) School-based behavioral interventions and academic support; and (6) Psychiatric consultation and medication management.

Goal / Mission

The goal of the TFCO program is to decrease problem behavior and to increase developmentally appropriate normative and prosocial behavior in children and adolescents who are in need of out-of-home placement.


When compared with the control group, TFCO youths spent 60% fewer days in incarceration, had significantly fewer subsequent arrests, and had significantly less hard-drug use.

Results / Accomplishments

Eight randomized trials and numerous other studies have provided evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of TFCO. When compared with the control group (CG), TFCO youths spent 60% fewer days in incarceration during the 12-month follow-up, had significantly fewer subsequent arrests, and had significantly less hard-drug use. In addition, TFCO boys reported significantly fewer psychiatric symptoms, had better school adjustment, returned to their family homes after treatment more often, and rated their lives as happier, compared with boys in CG. During a two-year follow-up, TFCO girls had had significantly fewer criminal offenses, spent fewer days in locked settings, attended school more regularly, and had significantly fewer pregnancies.

About this Promising Practice

TFC Consultants, Inc.
Primary Contact
Gerard Bouwman, President
12 Shelton McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, Oregon 97401
541-343-2388, x204
Community / Social Environment
Community / Crime & Crime Prevention
TFC Consultants, Inc.
SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Eugene, OR
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Prince George's County Health Department