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Advocacy and data towards health equity:

Advocacy and data towards health equity:

Health in All Policies: Health in All Policies (HiAP) is a collaborative approach that integrates and articulates health considerations into policymaking across sectors to improve the health of all communities and people. HiAP recognizes that health is created by a multitude of factors beyond healthcare and, in many cases, beyond the scope of traditional public health activities.

Source: Health in All Policies | Policy, Performance, and Evaluation | CDC

Resources: PGC Health Zone – compares and contrasts Prince George’s County data to state and national-level data with Healthy People 2030 goal tracking: Prince George's County Health Department :: SocioNeeds Index® Suite (

Resource Date:
August, 2024
Resource Type:

Behavioral Health Workgroup

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Health Equity Workgroup

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Health Eating, Active Living Workgroup

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Prince George's County Health Department